For the love of Wodehouse

 I have always been in love with Wodehouse and I have scoured libraries and bookstores everywhere to read as many titles as I could. Still, I could manage to get just a few titles some from my local bookstore and a few that I borrowed from the British Library. But this took place in the 1990s, pre- internet and pre online shopping days, where you slogged to get your hands on the coveted Wodehouse :)

My happiness knew no bounds when I discovered fabulous Indian online bookstores on the lines of I was let loose into the world of Wodehouse and from then on, there was no looking back.

Wodehouse has been my constant companion throughout my adolescent years giving me my dose of happy hormones when I needed them most. When you read a Wodehouse book you are allowed to enter a world where nothing really goes wrong and everything is sorted out at the end, but not before it makes you laugh your head off!
I must mention the Blandings series especially, since I find here the Wodehousean sun to shine at its best and brightest, letting me soak in all of it and as mentioned by Stephen Fry..I "just bask in its warmth and splendour"

I shudder to think what if Wodehouse had never come into my life! So a word of gratitude for my maternal uncle who introduced me to Wodehouse. One fine summer evening as I sat in the portico of my Nani's home (maternal grandmother's home), in the company of the aforementioned uncle, who is the resident genius in our family, the wondrous moment came! After being grilled on various subjects both esoteric and prosaic, the uncle in question was quite pleased with me, and granted me access to the privileged world of Wodehouse. The first P.G. Wodehouse I read was "Imperial Blandings"


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